Source for quality flannel button ups...? | Sniper's Hide Forum
Dec 31, 2019 · I’ve been wearing flannel button ups for as far as I can remember and some years ago a buddy of mine turned me onto magpul button up shirts, both heavy and lightweight varieties. I’m not usually a fan boy but I got to tell you these are some damn quality shirts and for the longest time I was...
Personalized Drag Model's Become a Reality
The AB Mobile Lab has now seen half a dozen events, and this time we changed the game. At the Precision Rifle Expo each of our team members was not only able to give a class but we performed a public demonstration of the Mobile Lab's ability to …
Taran’s Tiddy Team | Sniper's Hide Forum
Oct 6, 2020 · Blue jeans and a tshirt, flannel, or hoodie works. I like a sexy outfit as much as any dude, just no need when on the firing range. Thats for shooting. Same as any other hooker. Just showin off what they got fo sale. She does shoot well. I would rather watch Halle Barry run that course again.....
Sitka pissed off Euro optic | Sniper's Hide Forum
Sep 9, 2024 · As a side note, the most successful "hunter" I know also did wear jeans, a flannel (probably not an orange vest though) and cowboy boots. He was a rancher and had a shitload of alfalfa that every critter in 100 sq miles would flock to. He killed a bunch of really big bulls and bucks, I am guessing not real far from his pickup, tractor, or 4 ...
Barrel Pitting/Peening | Sniper's Hide Forum
Aug 7, 2022 · Good cotton/flannel patches. If you have to buy the patches I like the pro shot patches. Think they make a std. 2.25" square which works perfect for 30cal. We buy bulk material here....and we cut all the patches out of bulk material. It's cheaper cost wise that way vs buying finished cut patches and the amount of patches we go thru here!
Oven drying brass | Sniper's Hide Forum
Jun 15, 2010 · Mr Flannel Self-Licking Icecream. Full Member. Minuteman. Feb 3, 2006 147 78 Australia. Jun 15, 2010 #45
Which AK in 7.62x39? | Sniper's Hide Forum
Mar 3, 2022 · Looking at the Zastava ZPAP M 70 and Kalashnikov USA KR103. Any body have experience with the 2 models or other recommendations? I have a milled receiver Bulgarian looking to add another and one a little lighter. Thanks
Stubborn Carbon Ring Removal | Sniper's Hide Forum
Aug 8, 2021 · Use a coated rod with a quality jag that is undersize by one caliber – use high-quality flannel or cotton patches. Fold a patch for a tight fit without sticking, cut/fold appropriately – it is important that your folded patch is tight in the bore almost to the point of becoming stuck.
What is the longest known .22LR shots? | Sniper's Hide Forum
Jul 19, 2010 · Re: What is the longest known .22LR shots? I shot for a while today. I was able to get some grouping down to 10 inches at 400 yards with a few fly balls I have to attribute to the inconsitancy of the ammo. had some big wind changes down range that threw me off for a bit, but I got it under control I really think 500 needs to be attempted at some targets.
Bore patches absolutely will not come out clean - Sniper's Hide
Mar 6, 2020 · 3. Use cotton flannel patches and brass core / bronze bristle brushes 4. Use a quality bore cleaner like Butches, Hoppes #9, Bore Tech eliminator etc. 5. Stop cleaning to bare barrel steel, it's not necessary 6. As a general rule; a. wet patch and short strokes to remove loose fouling b. wet brush 12-15 strokes in and out c. wet patch to remove ...