The Bisenzio Project, an international and transdisciplinary initiative led by Andrea Babbi, a researcher at CNR ISPC ...
El Proyecto Bisenzio, una iniciativa internacional y transdisciplinaria dirigida por Andrea Babbi, investigador del CNR ISPC ...
The official recovery operations of the Greek ship from the classical era, known as "Gela II”, have begun. This significant ...
Han comenzado oficialmente las operaciones de recuperación del barco griego de época clásica conocido como “Gela II”, un ...
In James Cameron's film Titanic, there’s a deleted scene where a crew member, played by Irish actor Liam Touhy, is seen, ...
It is reasonable to deduce that in the successive phases of prehistory, humans, in their effort to create a warmer ...
The joint Egyptian-German archaeological mission between the universities of Sohag and Berlin recently discovered the ...
La misión arqueológica conjunta egipcio-alemana entre las universidades de Sohag y Berlín ha descubierto recientemente la ...
A team of archaeologists led by Marie Brinch from the Lolland-Falster Museum has unearthed the remains of what appears to be a stone-paved cellar, meticulously constructed around 5000 years ago on the ...
Un equipo de arqueólogos liderado por Marie Brinch, del Museo Lolland-Falster, ha desenterrado los restos de lo que parece ser un sótano pavimentado con piedras, meticulosamente construido hace ...
Located in the small fishing town of Yoichi, on the Japanese island of Hokkaido, is Fugoppe Cave, an archaeological site that ...
This summer, the excavation project in northwest Bükk, Hungary, continued, led by a university team specializing in the ...