The host of 'Dirty Jobs,' Mike Rowe, is encouraging young people to look to the trades to keep our roads, bridges, cars, and ...
Production of the U.S. Army’s new Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicles is proceeding, with a new contract adjustment to cover ...
In a post on Telegram, the Ukrainian company said it would receive technical documentation and necessary components for the production of Roshel armored vehicles, Ukrinform reports. Herman Smetanin, ...
Celine Mantla says it has been a very difficult time for her since that day when RCMP knocked on her door to tell her Germaine had been hit by a vehicle. "I have lost my son three years ago.
KYIV - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did not rule out sending Canadian troops to Ukraine as part of a possible ceasefire deal as he joined European leaders Monday in Kyiv to mark the third ...
OSUV Khortytsia clarified that the occupiers used armored vehicles to transport their assault groups and breach defensive fortifications, but both the vehicles and their airborne troops were ...
Canada will send $5-billion in aid to Ukraine using funds from seized Russian assets and also pledged 25 additional light armoured vehicles for Ukraine and a grant to help with energy security as ...
KCPD said they are currently in “very critical condition.” Their identity has not been released and the investigation is ongoing.
It isn’t every day that you see safety truck blow the EZ/sand/kitty litter used to clean the track into the actual race vehicles. Kyle Busch was sitting in the lead when the caution came out. So, he ...