Tot zondagavond kan je op het marktplein in Gistel opnieuw naar de Lentekermis. “Dit is een vaste afspraak voor ons. We ...
Een patrouille van politie Kouter merkte in Ichtegem in de nacht van donderdag op vrijdag rond 2.30 uur een voertuig op dat aan een hoge snelheid door de straten reed.
Verizon Communications warned that off-season promotions by rivals will likely lead to "soft" wireless subscriber growth in ...
Right now's a good time to be checking in as Verizon's site has just been updated with some of the best deals we've ever seen on high-end devices. Right now, for example, you don't even need to ...
Telecommunications provider Verizon (VZ) is facing a probe over its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices by the Federal ...
Verizon is pushing for home internet growth by offering a $15 monthly discount to all postpaid mobile customers who bundle ...
As the ecosystem around 5G evolves, Verizon has been actively optimizing its network with 5G advanced technology, high-speed fiber, edge computing and intelligent management to efficiently handle the ...
What just happened? Verizon and AT&T have separately announced major milestones that could accelerate the launch of commercial cellphone-to-satellite video calls. According to their press releases ...
De Anderlechtse folkloristische vereniging vzw Procession de Saint-Guidon kampt met een tekort aan reuzendragers. Daarom doet de organisatie een oproep om nieuwe vrijwilligers aan te trekken die de ...
From an expert's point of view, it is the biggest news of the iPhone 16e: the C1 modem chip, which Apple presented together with the new smartphone on Wednesday, is still shrouded in mystery ...
Is Verizon a good network? Verizon offers excellent coverage across the US along with customizable plans to ensure you get what you need most. However, it can be more expensive than some rivals ...
Alle winst gaat naar het goede doel Aap vzw, oftewel Animal assisted Projects, een organisatie die zich inzet om de band tussen mens en dier te versterken. De zoektocht naar je droomwoning is een ...