South Korea's acting president urged ministries on Monday to work with the U.S. to avoid any negative impact on science, ...
South Korea's acting President Choi Sang-mok called on Monday to avoid any negative impact on science, technology and energy ...
WASHINGTON/SEOUL (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Energy has designated ally South Korea a "sensitive" country, a ...
The designation has put further strain on the East Asian nation’s already highly polarised political landscape.
South Korea’s semiconductor exports to China plunged last month, deepening concerns about a cooling in global demand already ...
The United States has called for better access to the Korean market, particularly in the agriculture and technology sectors, ...
South Korea's acting president urged ministries to collaborate with the U.S. to mitigate impacts on science, technology, and ...
South Korea's acting president urges collaboration with the U.S. after the DOE labeled South Korea a 'sensitive' country.
South Korea is opening doors to skilled workers worldwide, offering thousands of job opportunities in AI semiconductors, ...
South Korea develops 96.5% purity technology for direct air carbon capture South Korea pioneers advanced methods for ...
The U.S. Department of Energy has designated South Korea as a 'sensitive' country following heightened nuclear weapons ...
SEOUL: A move by the United States energy department to designate South Korea as a "sensitive country" is likely a warning ...