Paris Fashion Week witnessed a debut show on Friday from one of the most unusually named brands in the luxury clothing ...
This week we present animal trivia that you can use to amaze your friends. Sloths move so slowly (in a tree it only moves nine feet in one minute) that it needs good defensive camouflage. It has green ...
This is the final week before spring break for so many families here at home. Leaders at the Witte Museum have announced ...
Learn about the tracks and footprints at White Sands National Park in New Mexico, possibly representing the earliest evidence ...
But Bernal, who has been a veterinarian for 25 years and in pet wellness for 20, advised to always consult your fur baby’s vet before making any decisions. “If you are ever in doubt ...
Congratulations are in order as Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo celebrates the birth of a new sloth bear cub, a baby girl born on January 8.
So I think maybe that’s a draw as well,” said Szepelak. Art at the Bodega plans on holding events with other animals like sloths and reptiles in the near future.
Dancers from Sabor a Colombia, martial artists, and sweets from Brazil all under one roof during Fur Rondy is part of a tradition that’s been ongoing for over a decade. Former Anchorage Mayor Rick ...
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) - The 90th annual Fur Rendezvous Festival kicked off Thursday around Anchorage and is expected to feature its traditional late-winter celebration, despite a winter season ...
Over six blizzardy days, Toronto was buried in more than a foot of snow, which quickly transformed from soft blanket to slushy, treacherous mess. Countless streetcars were blocked by parked cars ...
PETA announced in 2020 that it was ending its long-running “I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur” campaign. For three decades, the ads decrying the use of animal pelts in fashion had featured ...
A few weeks before the Manhattan Vintage Show opened this month, its owner, Amy Abrams, was predicting a “fur-a-palooza,” with vendors fielding an uptick in demand for fur. “It’s happening now,” she ...