Pay is the number one issue, experts argued, but other labor issues are hindering the US ability to revitalize its ...
Relying on protectionist policies, such as the Jones Act, is a mistake.
Learn about the bipartisan bill co-sponsored by Reps. Mark Green, Jen Kiggans and Don Davis that aims to revitalize the ...
We must address the twin demands of growing our commercial shipbuilding capacity along with our merchant fleet and increasing ...
The creation of the White House’s shipbuilding office could help get Navy shipbuilding on track, but the U.S. won’t catch up ...
A report details how China in two decades has grown to be the dominant global player in shipbuilding, dwarfing the U.S., ...
A report details how China has grown to be the dominant global player in shipbuilding, dwarfing the U.S., which now has only 0.1% of the global market.
The CSIS estimates that at the current pace of production, China will grow its naval fleet from 234 ships to 425 by 2030.
While America’s maritime power has been left to languish and China’s influence on the high seas continues to grow, experts ...
In 2024 alone, one Chinese shipbuilder constructed more commercial vessels by tonnage than the entire U.S. shipbuilding industry has built since the end of World War II. China already has the ...