The story follows Odysseus, the king of Ithaca, as he journeys home over 10 years following the end of the decade-long Trojan War. Seeking to reunite with his wife Penelope, Odysseus encounters ...
The words proved too optimistic. At 6:10 p.m., a section of Yuba River levee gave way above Linda. The river sucked half an acre of peach trees with it when it gushed through the levee and flooded ...
“The Iliad literally describes Odysseus wearing a kino leather helmet adorned with boar tusks, but Hollywood can never resist the siren song of the generic ancient broom helmet. This helmet is ...
Dr. Mann. Lt. General Leslie Groves. And finally… Odysseus, the King of Ithaca. After playing pivotal roles in Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar and Oppenheimer, Matt Damon is set to finally play the ...
Christopher Nolan has found his Odysseus. Matt Damon will lead the director's highly anticipated film, 'The Odyssey', set for release on 17 July 2026. The announcement was made via the film's official ...
Photo by JB Lacroix/FilmMagic With Universal sharing the first sneak peek at the film yesterday in the form of a first look at Matt Damon as Odysseus, we've gathered all the information out there ...
It is a mythical tale following the Greek hero Odysseus, king of Ithaca, as he journeys home after the Trojan War. More recent casting announcements include Mia Goth, Jon Bernthal, John Leguizamo ...
See a first look at Matt Damon in his latest role leading the cast as Odysseus in Christopher Nolan’s “The Odyssey.” The film hits theaters July next year.Feb. 18, 2025 ...
So why is Damon’s Odysseus dressed up in some random swords-and-sandals helmet and cape? Did the stylist just raid the leftovers from Ridley Scott’s Gladiator II? Given that Odysseus was ...
Following months of rumors, Universal officially released the first image of Damon playing Odysseus, the protagonist of Homer’s epic poem. Fresh off his Best Picture win for “Oppenheimer ...