Their vagabond wastrel of a father (Adam Scott, in a prologue cameo), long out of the picture, has left behind some trinkets and mementos, including one bad-intentioned toy monkey, not a cymbal ...
Finding the perfect dog toy to add to your list of pet essentials is more complicated than you might think. If you’ve bought soft and fluffy plushes just to find them ripped apart in under two ...
The moment you give your dog a new toy is an exciting one for you and your pup. But for dogs who take less than five minutes to completely rip apart that new toy, the excitement isn’t long-lived.
Pelamos y picamos finamente el ajo. En un recipiente, mezclamos el ajo picado, el zumo de limón, el orégano, la sal, la pimienta y el aceite de oliva. Añadimos la pechuga de pollo y la ...
mezclamos la harina con el agua y la sal y amasamos. Estiramos la masa y untamos la mantequilla. Damos tres vueltas sencillas. Por último, le damos la forma deseada. Para la crema pastelera ...