Outdoor gear, especially for winter activities like skiing and snowboarding, can be a big investment. If you’re looking to ...
Comfortable and functional, the Adidas Terrex Anylander Mid Rain.Rdy Hiking Shoes are built to handle all of your adventures.
A class-action lawsuit filed against Gore-Tex accuses the company of deceiving buyers and concealing the chemicals used in ...
Yes, even your dog deserves their own space to chill and recharge. These are the best dog beds for hiking, camping and more.
Drew Zieff is a Tahoe-based freelance writer whose expertise ranges from snow sports in the winter to camping accessories in ...
We tested the best trekking poles as part of Outdoor Life’s annual backpacking gear tests in Oregon and Washington; here they are in order of how highly we recommend them. Outdoor Life conducts an ...
Some of your favorite outdoor brands are quietly designing accessories for your four-legged hiking companions.
All four of Patagonia’s Fieldsmith bags — the 5L Hip Pack, 24L Linked Pack, 28L Lid Pack and 32L Roll-Top Pack — are ...
Discover the best backpacking trails in Iowa, from the rolling Loess Hills to the rugged Yellow River State Forest.