On March 11, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit affirmed the district court’s denial of a motion to compel arbitration in ...
What is a credit report? It’s a detailed summary of your credit history, debts and payment habits. Find out how it impacts ...
If you skip your credit card payments for long enough, you could end up being sued. Here's when it could happen.
Your credit card’s grace period affects the interest you pay but does not change the due date. You’re still required to pay ...
A derogatory mark is a negative record on your credit report that indicates you did not repay the lender according to the terms of your agreement. This could result from something simple, like a ...
A federal district court properly ruled that it, not an arbitrator, should hear a dispute between a high-interest credit card lender and two of its customers, a federal appeals court said Tuesday.
Here are this week's letters to the editor of the Sheboygan ... he would apply that sentiment to the Credit Card Competition Act. The Credit Card Competition Act has a lot to do with the ...
bringing accounts current or resolving past credit disputes. If you're applying for a business credit card with bad credit, consider opting for a secured card or find cards designed to establish and ...
In concern of my termination from the Building Inspection department, I would like to address the article. First, let me say like I have said in times past, I was asked by a friend to help his ...
To the editor: Waiting to board a Southwest Albuquerque-to-Burbank flight, we milled about in our boarding groups — A, B and C— somewhat like cattle. This was before Southwest introduced ...
The notice was part of the bank’s recent effort to recover rewards points accumulated by some credit card holders through a technical loophole in 2023. The recipient had closed his Axis Magnus ...
In response to your Feb., 17 editorial, “Credit card bill will hurt those it’s supposed to help”: Capping credit card interest rates will adjust the game’s rules, but there are still ...