Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Rosanna Law hosts a meeting to co-ordinate the preparations for visitor arrivals to ...
Chief Executive John Lee says finance and business will be central to Hong Kong’s next growth engine, and the Government will ...
Hong Kong can create opportunities for all in many areas. The first is innovation and technology. The second area to highlight is our role as a high value-added supply chain management centre.
A total of 4,000 graduates from the second cohort of the Strive & Rise Programme showcase their learning achievements to Government representatives, the business sector and the community during their ...
警務處、入境事務處、海關、運輸署和多區民政事務處等政府部門派代表與會,多個旅遊相關機構例如旅遊業監管局、旅遊發展局、旅遊業議會、西九文化區管理局,以及主要旅遊景點和酒店業也派員出席。 羅淑佩表示,中央政府恢復和擴展深圳「一簽多行」計劃,為更多內地旅客來港提供便利,當局預計春節黃金周期間,訪港旅客會顯著增加。政府鼓勵業界為旅客提供更多優質且創新的體驗,吸引旅客留港過夜。
共創明Teen計劃第二期畢業典禮今日舉行,全體4,000名畢業生在典禮上展示他們的學習成果,並向扶助他們的友師表達謝意。政務司司長陳國基主持儀式。 陳國基致辭時指,第二期共創明Teen計劃圓滿推行,充分體現政、商、民三方努力協力的成果;本期計劃舉辦的內地研學團數目增至19個,學員足跡不僅遍布鄰近的深圳、珠海,更遠達四川、雲南、杭州等地,讓學員更深刻認識和體驗國家在不同領域的發展和成就。