Visit was an opportunity to explore developing teaching and research collaborations Delegates met with Professor Aleks Subic and members of the ...
KitNewCare will host its Innovation Challenge, an event designed to foster collaborative innovation towards achieving ...
Genome instability can cause numerous diseases. Cells have effective DNA repair mechanisms at their disposal. A research team ...
LMU researchers have successfully tested a new drug which can significantly extend the lives of breast cancer patients.
Simulations by LMU scientists show that large-scale afforestation and reforestation could reduce global peak and end-of-century temperature and ...
LMU researchers demonstrate that certain immune cells already play an important role in the early stages of multiple sclerosis ...
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have developed a new comprehensive mapping of genetic activity for ...
Researchers from City St George’s, University of London have used a new ultra-high precision x-ray scattering technique to unveil the location and ...
Los recientes avances en inteligencia artificial (IA) han generalizado el uso de grandes modelos de lenguaje en nuestra sociedad, en ámbitos como la ...
Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have led to the widespread use of large language models in our society in fields such as education, ...
Frisch, director of Starlab Barcelona has led an extraordinary journey into the field of consciousness research. Starlab ...
Zootoxins affect a wide range of physiological processes and are therefore of great interest for drug research. An international study led by Björn ...