There’s a new lawsuit filed last week with some serious allegations involving Fox Sports and defendants including executive ...
Charles Dawes, who had a varied career as a banker, politician, military officer, is the only vice president to have written ...
As custom requires, Vice President Charles Curtis gave a Christmas dinner last week to the 19 Senate pages (age 12 to 16) in the Capitol restaurant.* Likewise as custom requires, the pages gave ...
Vice President Charles Curtis in the Hoover administration had a mustache and was the last VP with facial hair. The 31st VP to serve, Curtis was a member of the Kaw Nation and was born in the Kansas ...
One of the headstones they passed was engraved with the name “Charles Curtis.” Goodrich remembers the tour guide saying: “He was vice president under Herbert Hoover, a U.S. senator ...
sister of former vice president Charles Curtis. One GOP hostess railed: “You have to be a friend of Perle’s before you can get an invitation.” Perle disingenuously insisted to United Press ...
United Press sent out a story on January 13 claiming that Perle was snubbing Republican hostesses, including Alice Roosevelt Longworth and Mrs. Edward “Dolly” Gann, sister of former vice president ...
How rare? Since Vice President Charles Curtis in 1933, no president or vice president had facial hair prior to Vance, according to the New York Post. In fact, the beard on JD's face was believed ...