Dear Eric: Kate and I have been friends for more than 20 years. Over 10 years ago, I would’ve almost considered us best ...
In today's Asking Eric column, R. Eric Thomas responds to someone who wants to end a friendship with someone who was mean to their late husband.
Dear Pope Francis, my husband is cheating on me, is it right to always forgive him?” A Catholic woman named Catia wrote an ...
Father Flaviano Villanueva, a Catholic priest and fierce opponent of the drug war, recalled in his homily the despair the ...
At least, four Fulani cattle breeders have so far been assassinated by criminal elements for fighting against criminalities in Kwara State. The Secretary ...
One reason may be that many Filipinos feel there is no other way to fight drugs beyond brute force. Another may be that ...
Please contact the Church Warden if you are a priest who can help or anyone else who requires his help. The Church Warden ...
Our marriage has been wonderful. We are best friends, he makes me laugh constantly, and we are raising our children beautifully together. But ever since way back when, I have not desired sex with him.
In today's Dear Annie column, hears from a reader whose husband thinks he doesn't have to help with chores since he's the primary breadwinner.
After Pope Francis prayed for the area during the wildfires, LA Catholics are returning the sentiment and support.