South Korea conducted major maintenance on an US dry cargo ship, "a landmark achievement," the US Naval Forces Korea ...
HJ Shipbuilding & Construction (HJSC) has been drawing attention as another potential Korean participant in the market for ...
The SS United States, a 1,000-foot (305-meter) trans-Atlantic liner renowned for its record-breaking speed and advanced ...
Last week, Maersk signed an agreement with Cochin Shipyard for ship repair and on Friday it named a 350 metre long container vessel at an event in Jawaharlal Nehru Port symbolising its India ...
Olympio 2, London, November 8-9 Ship Repair & Conversion '94 — the third event in the series — promises to be a successful meeting for the international shiprepair, conversion and maintenance ...
THE Philippine Navy and the United States Institute for Security Governance (ISG) hosted last Feb. 18-20 a workshop meant to strengthen the Navy’s ship maintenance and repair capabilities at the Naval ...
The Navy’s culture of risk aversion is preventing the service from delivering new construction ships and performing repair work in a timely fashion, the president of the Shipbuilding Council of ...
The telecom is to ask a cable repair ship to repair the Taipei-Penghu No. 3 cable after it has repaired the Taiwan-Matsu No. 2 and No. 3 cables, it said.
This issue is preventing our website from loading properly. Please review the following troubleshooting tips or contact us at [email protected]. By submitting your ...
Reduction of S-N Curves for Ship Structural Details, and Underwater Repair Procedures for Ship Hulls (Fatigue and Ductility of Underwater Wet Welds). Report SSC-369 "Reduction of S-N Curves for ...
The SS United States is a 1,000-foot vessel that shattered the transatlantic speed record on its maiden voyage in 1952. The ship departed Philadelphia heading to Mobile, Alabama, for prep work before ...