This would open new perspectives for underwater exploration and warfare. The Guangzhou shipyard, already known for its surface drones like the JARI USV, appears to be behind this project. The ...
Elbit Systems' fourth-generation Seagull USV seen at NAVDEX 2025 in Abu Dhabi in February. (Janes/Anish Markose) Elbit Systems showcased its fourth-generation Seagull unmanned surface vehicle (USV ...
The Department of Defense said Friday the cost-plus-fixed-fee contract covers software development, payload integration and sustainment support for the MCM USV. The initial contract is valued at $ ...
The two remaining bidders for the flagship Army Collective Training Service (ACTS) contract will move on to the next 20-week phase to select the British Army's Strategic Training Partner. Shephard has ...
The ROK Navy unveiled its conceptual design of the Combat USV at Drone Show Korea 2025 (DSK 2025). During Drone Show Korea (DSK) 2025, the ROK Navy unveiled a conceptual model of an expanded combat ...
Martac picture. Bruce Hanson, MARTAC’s CEO said “Launching this ALARS takes us a step closer to realizing the ability to deploy and autonomously operate USV fleets capable of performing complex ...
Zero USV, a collaboration between the founders of Marine AI and MSubs, developed the fleet. Oceanus12 is a 12-metre, fully autonomous ‘turnkey’ package ready to sail. It has a twin-electric ...
Artikel ini akan mengupas tuntas arti cincin di setiap jari, mulai dari jempol hingga kelingking, beserta tradisi dan kepercayaan yang melatarbelakanginya. Kebiasaan mengenakan cincin telah ada sejak ...
Hampir setiap aktivitas sehari-hari yang Anda lakukan melibatkan kedua tangan dan jari-jemarinya. Ini artinya, Anda sebenarnya sedang mengekspos jari tangan terhadap berbagai bahaya dan risiko. Oleh ...
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As the Russian Su-57 stealth fighter jet enters serial production, the debate over how it stacks up against the American ... - Agar dapat mengetik secara blind system atau sistem buta dengan 10 jari, posisi awal harus diperhatikan, yaitu posisi strategis untuk memudahkan dalam menjangkau semua tuts yang terdapat ...