Have you ever left a bottle of liquid in the freezer, only to find it cracked or shattered? To save you from tedious freezer ...
The average human should get about 2.5 to 4 liters of water per day, according to the Mayo Clinic, and that number increases ...
Footage of an amusing incident stemming from the aftermath of last night’s Madrid Derby has come to the fore online.This ...
A wormwood-infused beverage with a famously odd flavor, Malört began as a medicinal drink but took on a new life among 21st ...
One reader just happens to be a brewer, and explains all about the mysteries of that seemingly empty space in a bottle of ...
During a tour of the historic King’s Theater in Edinburgh, photographer Mike Hume was perched atop scaffolding some 40 feet ...
This is the best bottle on the market and it’s not so overhyped right now that you won’t have to take out a mortgage to ...
A user on Reddit shared the story of their late mother's "memorial Coke," which stayed in the fridge for 10 years — until a ...
When the Brewers clinched the National League Central last season, the dynamite rookie wasn't old enough to legally drink.
Pokémon Go looks set to add stat-boosting Bottle Caps, but players are concerned around potential balance and cost issues.
The Bink bottle is the latest to take over the internet. But does social media have a reusable water bottle problem?
A man living close to where a woman was shot dead said he was making a bottle for his infant child when he heard the gunshots ...