Tidligere søndag fortsatte den 17-årige russer Mirra Andreeva sit kometindtog i verdenstoppen, da hun i kvindernes finale ...
Holger Rune fik ikke et ben til jorden i Indian Wells-finale, som han tabte i to sæt til briten Jack Draper. INDIAN WELLS Det ...
KOMMENTAR: Energistyrelsens fortolkning af projektbekendtgørelsen skaber tunge byrder for mindre selskaber. Der bør derfor ...
Allerede fra de første numre viste Thåström lørdag aften i K.B. Hallen, at han er helt sin egen og helt øverst blandt Nordens ...
»Musene har ikke deres karakteristiske korte, gråbrune pels, men i stedet mammuttens lange, bølgede, uldne hår.« ...
During the introductions, fan-favorite Ben Chan, a philosophy professor, from Green Bay, Wisconsin, admitted to crashing a wedding. Chan started off the game in the hole as the first question that ...
BRANDON, S.D. (Dakota News Now) - With Sturgis and Canton winning the State Dual titles last week, all eyes now move to the traditional SDHSAA State Wrestling Meet next week with tickets to Rapid City ...
De tunge metalringe rundt om både ben, arme og hals kan tydeligt ses i graven. Et arkæologisk fund nær Jerusalem har rystet den historiske opfattelse af askese i det byzantinske rige. Et forskerhold ...
You can get in touch with Jane by emailing [email protected]. Languages: English. Ben Affleck's family time seemingly remains a priority, as he spent a rare outing with his 16-year-old child ...
He’s a turtle-y cool dad. Ben Affleck and his middle child, Seraphina, enjoyed a visit to the aquarium on Sunday. The Oscar winner, 52, and the 16-year-old were spotted at the Aquarium of the ...
Ben Affleck and Fin Affleck, formerly known as Seraphina Rose Affleck, were spotted enjoying some quality father-child time at the Long Beach Aquarium in Los Angeles, and while the sighting was ...
Ravens offensive lineman Ben Cleveland was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence last week, according to Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office documents obtained by The Baltimore Sun on ...