Andhagan follows the story of a blind pianist whose seemingly straightforward life spirals into a series of unexpected events after he inadvertently witnesses a murder. The plot unravels with a mix of ...
VishwaDev Rachakonda and Payal Radhakrishna's upcoming romantic comedy Neeli Megha Shyama is bypassing a theatrical release ...
For the first time in a decade, the American Heart Association (AHA) is updating its guidance to help people from ever having a stroke. Simply put, the AHA says, “preventing a first stroke ...
Spotify isn't the only streaming music app worth downloading to your phone or tablet. Explore these tested and recommended services before diving into Google Play. My career has taken me through ...
Razakar to stream on Aha by December 20 or 26 Bobby Simha & Anasuya Bharadwaj star in this gripping period drama Film explores the Nizam-era struggles of Hyderabad’s Hindu community ...
The legislation contains a number of critical policies that the AHA strongly advocated for, including preventing cuts in Medicaid disproportionate share hospital payments, reducing cuts to physicians, ...
Our understanding of hypertension and the ability to lower blood pressure (BP) with pharmacotherapy advanced immensely during the second half of the 20th century and the early 21st century. However, ...
Jury takes just 48 minutes to return unanimous guilty verdicts on all five counts Stock image A trial which stretched over four days examining historic sexual abuse was finally resolved in less ...
The AHA highlighted the importance of community health workers during the Common Health Coalition’s inaugural Common Health Challenge held Dec. 9. “Community health workers play a vital role within ...
And while there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to achieving a smoother complexion, a chemical exfoliant containing either AHA or BHA just might help you get there. Before you start your ...