Socrates was a philosopher warrior, exemplifying courage, endurance and the pursuit of virtue through action as well as ...
Have you ever imagined the ancient philosopher Socrates seated at a modern desk, peering intently into a glowing screen? It ...
The subject of Dr. Lord's lecture yesterday in Chickering Hall was "Socrates," to whom the world owes a new method in philosophy, and a great example in morals. View Full Article in Timesmachine ...
We believe epistemic humility presents something of a twofold danger that makes being humble frightening – and has, ever since Socrates first put it at the heart of Western philosophy.
Hypatia, one of the greatest philosophers of Alexandria, was admired for her ideas but was brutally murdered for them by ...
Should Socrates be held responsible for the actions of his pupils, particularly those among them who had joined the tyrants? Timed by a water clock, the old philosopher remained as stubborn as ever.
In 399 BCE, Athens put one of its greatest thinkers, Socrates, on trial. The charges? Corrupting the youth and disrespecting ...
But in “Open Socrates: The Case for a Philosophical Life,” Agnes Callard illustrates how philosophy isn't just a spectator sport. It requires engaging with one another and arguing with each ...