Formed through a merging of the UK-led Tempest and Japan’s F-X programmes, GCAP will produce a sixth-generation fighter with industries from the three partner nations collaborat ...
A Trump administration envoy's push for US involvement in a Euro-Japanese fighter jet program has sparked new intrigue, ...
Despite earlier concerns, the UK's new Labour government supports the program, ensuring its continued progress. The GCAP aims ...
Hopes that Europe's two future fighter programmes could move closer together appear unlikely to be realised, with Dassault ...
“Since a process to enter GCAP is needed, and it needs time, let’s use the time to create as much activity as possible. And we propose to work on programs together, which could be the new ...
Delegates look at the Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP) 6th-generation fighter jet concept design at the Farnborough International Airshow 2024, near London, on July 22, 2024. (Justin Tallis/AFP ...